Bulimia Nervosa Treatment
Signs and Symptoms
Bulimia is a condition, which involves a combination of behaviours, pertinent to losing and gaining control over food. Typically, bulimia is characterised by frequent episodes of bingeing on foods that are commonly considered ''forbidden'' or ''bad'' by people who want to control their weight, and which are usually high in carbohydrates, such as biscuits, chocolate, toast, ice cream, etc. The binge-eating episodes take place in private and most times, eating is mechanical and compulsive, without real enjoyment or tasting of the food.
However, due to the intense feelings of guilt and remorse as a result of overeating, the binge is followed by an attempt to get rid of the calories that have been consumed, either by induced vomiting and/or with the use of laxatives, while in some cases excessive exercise or periods of starvation are also used as weight-control measures. The frequency of the bingeing and purging episodes, as well as the number of calories consumed in a binge vary greatly among sufferers.
The vicious circle in bulimia
All people overeat from time to time. The difference for people who suffer from bulimia, however, lies in the meaning they attach to a binge episode, regardless of how big or small it may be; their interpretation a personal and self-deprecating one and involves perceptions of themselves as 'bad' and weak, lacking self-control and will-power, unworthy etc. Purging then offers relief from the unbearable feelings, as emptiness is associated with being 'good' and in control. Very often, in between episodes, sufferers either strictly diet or even fast, while it is not rare for former anorexics to develop bulimic patterns. Thus, they become trapped in a vicious circle, alternating between periods of rigid control and self-discipline and episodes of losing control, only to 'regain' it immediately afterward, through self-harming behaviours.
A variety of medical complications result from binge eating, vomiting and laxative abuse, such as severe disturbance of the electrolyte balance (the chemical balance of body fluids), depression, fatigue, serious digestive and gastrointestinal disorders, erosion of the teeth, as well as disruption of the gastrointestinal system which regulates satiation, a fact that makes it progressively harder for the individual to stop eating when full.
Recovery is possible - Steps to healing
Nevertheless, recovery is possible, as the body's self-healing powers are extraordinary, when the appropriate kind of multidisciplinary, multidimensional support is provided. Recovery from bulimia is primarily concentrated around the normalisation of eating patterns and the development of trust in the body's natural wisdom, while at the same time exploring more effective and wholesome ways to deal with one's emotions and addressing the fundamental, underlying issues and causes of the disorder.
If you think that you are suffering from bulimia and are ready to take the first step towards recovery, health and well-being, or if you feel ambivalent about reaching out, or would like to discuss any concerns regarding your challenges and how I could be of help, please call me on 07450256556 or contact me through the form below.
To discuss your needs, please fill out the following form
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